New Publication from Zhou et al. in Nature Geoscience: Resistance of ecosystem services to global change weakened by increasing number of environmental stressors
Terrestrial ecosystems are subjected to multiple global changes simultaneously. Yet, how an increasing number of global changes impact the resistance of ecosystems to global change remains virtually unknown. Here we…
New Publicaion from Eisenhauer et al. in Basic and Applied Ecology: The multiple-mechanisms hypothesis of biodiversity–stability relationships
Long-term research in grassland biodiversity experiments has provided empirical evidence that ecological and evolutionary processes are intertwined in determining both biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) and biodiversity–stability relationships. Focusing on plant diversity,…
New Publicaion from Lipoma et al. in Global Ecology & Biogeography: No general support for functional diversity enhancing resilience across terrestrial plant communities
Aim Understanding the mechanisms promoting resilience in plant communities is crucial in times of increasing disturbance and global environmental change. Here, we present the first meta-analysis evaluating the relationship between…
Jäthelfer (w/m/d) gesucht vom 01.10. – 20.10.2024
#English version below# Ihr interessiert euch für Pflanzen und arbeitet gerne draußen? Wir brauchen Hilfe bei der Instandhaltung der Versuchsflächen des Jena Experiments! Hintergrund:Das Jena-Experiment befasst sich mit der Bedeutung…
New Publication from de Souza in FEMS Microbiology Ecology: The effect of successive summer drought periods on bacterial diversity along a plant species richness gradient
Drought is a major stressor to soil microbial communities, and the intensification of climate change is predicted to increase hydric stress worldwide in the coming decades. As a possible mitigating…
New publication from Cheng et al. in Nature Communications: Biodiversity increases resistance of grasslands against plant invasions under multiple environmental changes
Biodiversity often helps communities resist invasion. However, it is unclear whether this diversity–invasion relationship holds true under environmental changes. Here, we conduct a meta-analysis of 1010 observations from 25 grassland…
Stellenausschreibung/PhD position
-English version below- An der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel ist am Botanischen Institut in der Abteilung für Pflanzen-Umwelt-Interaktionen unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Sybille B. Unsicker zum…
New publication from Eisenhauer et al. in Research Ideas and Outcomes: Plant diversity effects on soil multistability
Soil is the basis for life on Earth as we know it. Healthy and stable soil is a prerequisite for well-functioning terrestrial ecosystems and has, thus, been proposed to play…
Jäthelfer (w/m/d) gesucht vom 01.07. – 21.07.2024
#English version below# Ihr interessiert euch für Pflanzen und arbeitet gerne draußen? Wir brauchen Hilfe bei der Instandhaltung der Versuchsflächen des Jena Experiments! Hintergrund:Das Jena-Experiment befasst sich mit der Bedeutung…
New publication from Albracht et al. in Biology and Fertility of Soils: Common soil history is more important than plant history for arbuscular mycorrhizal community assembly in an experimental grassland diversity gradient
The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning strengthens with ecosystem age. However, the interplay between the plant diversity – ecosystem functioning relationship and Glomeromycotinian arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) community assembly…
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