New publication from Lama et al. in Oecologia: Plant diversity influenced gross nitrogen mineralization, microbial ammonium consumption and gross inorganic N immobilization in a grassland experiment
Gross rates of nitrogen (N) turnover inform about the total N release and consumption. We investigated how plant diversity affects gross N mineralization, microbial ammonium (NH4+) consumption and gross inorganic…
New publication from Dietrich et al. in Journal of Plant Ecology: Diverse plant mixtures sustain a greater arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spore viability than monocultures after 12 years
Abstract: Aims Intensive land management practices can compromise soil biodiversity, thus jeopardizing long-term soil productivity. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a pivotal role in promoting soil productivity through obligate symbiotic…
New publication from Lama et al. in Biology and Fertility of Soils: The biodiversity – N cycle relationship: a 15N tracer experiment with soil from plant mixtures of varying diversity to model N pool sizes and transformation rates
Abstract We conducted a 15N tracer experiment in laboratory microcosms with field-fresh soil samples from a biodiversity experiment to evaluate the relationship between grassland biodiversity and N cycling. To embrace…
New publication from Ebeling et al in Ecology: Contrasting effects of plant diversity on β‐ and γ‐diversity of grassland invertebrates
Abstract: The diversity of primary producers strongly affects the structure and diversity of species assemblages at other trophic levels. However, limited knowledge exists of how plant diversity effects at small…
New publication from Buzhdygan et al in Nature Ecology & Evolution: Biodiversity increases multitrophic energy use efficiency, flow and storage in grasslands
Abstract: The continuing loss of global biodiversity has raised questions about the risk that species extinctions pose for the functioning of natural ecosystems and the services that they provide for…
New publication from Schaub et al in Nature Communications: Plant diversity effects on forage quality, yield and revenues of semi-natural grasslands
Abstract: In agricultural settings, plant diversity is often associated with low biomass yield and forage quality, while biodiversity experiments typically find the opposite. We address this controversy by assessing, over…
New publication from Paul et al in Science Advances: On the functional relationship between biodiversity and economic value
Abstract: Biodiversity’s contribution to human welfare has become a key argument for maintaining and enhancing biodiversity in managed ecosystems. The functional relationship between biodiversity (b) and economic value (V) is,…
New publication from Feng et al in Methods in Ecology and Evolution: Inferring competitive outcomes, ranks and intransitivity from empirical data: A comparison of different methods
The inference of pairwise competitive outcomes (PCO) and multispecies competitive ranks and intransitivity from empirical data is essential to evaluate how competition shapes plant communities. Three categories of methods, differing…
New publication from Schaub et al in Ecological Economics: Economic benefits from plant species diversity in intensively managed grasslands
Highlights: We used a rich dataset from 16 intensively managed grassland sites across Europe. Plant species diversity increased milk production potential yields, and thus revenue. Production risks decreased in grasslands…
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